No two children are alike.

But all students can achieve their biggest dreams when they receive the support they need.

When education leaders and advocates work together to mobilize the right combination of resources that unlock high-quality learning experiences for every student, this is the power of education resource equity.


ARE Data Stories

We know that money matters. And we know that all students benefit from having diverse teachers and leaders. But how do these critical dimensions of resource equity show up in district data? Can we quantify how much more likely students are to have novice teachers in high-poverty schools? Or how their access to support staff compares to national averages and recommendations?

Our new resource uses data to reveal how inequities show up in districts across the country and paints a picture of how critical shifts toward resource equity can transform education for students who need it the most.

Data Stories an in depth look at how systemic inequities are impacting students across the country

It's about "How Much" and "How Well"

School systems need money — but money is not all they need. Learn about the 10 dimensions of education resource equity that can unlock better experiences for all students in school.


School Funding

Does each student attend school in a district that distributes funding based on the needs of its students? Does funding support all children to achieve and thrive?


Teaching Quality & Diversity

Does each student have access to strong teachers and teaching practices that meet their needs? Do the teachers reflect the diversity of the student population?


School Leadership Quality & Diversity

Does each student have access to strong school leadership that meets their needs? Does the school leadership reflect the diversity of the students and staff?


Empowering, Rigorous Content

Does each student have access to high-quality and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced courses, arts, and enrichment opportunities?


Instructional Time & Attention

Does each student who needs it receive additional instructional time and/or attention?


Positive & Inviting School Climate

Does each student experience a safe and supportive environment, fair rules and policies, positive relationships with staff, and meaningful family engagement?


Student Supports & Intervention

Does each student have access to the social-emotional, physical, mental health, family, and post-secondary education support they need to succeed?


High-Quality Early Learning

Does each student have access to high-quality preschool programs?


Learning-Ready Facilities

Does each student attend schools with safe, well-maintained facilities? Does each student have access to functioning, up-to-date equipment?


Diverse Classrooms & Schools

Does each student attend schools and classes that are racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse?


Use our Resource Equity Toolkit to learn more, start a conversation, and take action in your community.

The Education Combination

Learn about education resource equity by discovering 10 dimensions that unlock better, more equitable experiences in school for all students.

Diagnostic Tools And Supports

Identify strengths and gaps in your school system across all 10 dimensions.


Explore underlying causes of your school system’s challenges and possible actions to improve students’ experiences in school.

Advocating for Equity Across All Levels of Government - Dimension 1 - School Funding

Advocating Across Government

Identify who has the power to address equity gaps in your school system and the school district, state and federal levels.

Make the Case: Positive and Inviting School Climate

Casemaking Decks

Develop compelling and coherent messaging to “make the case” for addressing resource inequities in your community.

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